
Synopsis of Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time

The complex life of Rei Furuya unfolds in three identities: as a Public Security agent, detective Tooru Amuro, and as a member of the Men in Black, known as Bourbon. This character, surrounded by mystery and duality between light and darkness, has an everyday life that remains hidden from everyone... until now.

Dive into the mysterious world of Detective Conan manga with this fascinating story, masterfully published by Planeta Comic.

Details of the Manga

Title: Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Takahiro Arai

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 168 in black and white

Publisher: Planeta Comic

Dimensions: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time #1 Spanish Manga

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