
Synopsis of Hanako-kun: The Toilet-Bound Ghost Volume 20 Special Edition

Nene Yashiro, a student at Kamome Academy, known for its paranormal phenomena and the seven mysteries it hosts, invokes the seventh mystery, Hanako, hoping to solve her love troubles. To her surprise, Hanako is not a girl but a boy who maintains peace between spirits and humans. After a failed wish, Nene finds herself cursed to become Hanako's assistant. Together, they face malevolent apparitions while unraveling the secrets of the academy's mysteries and Hanako's past.

This special edition includes the Hanako Lacquers Booklet

Discover more about Hanako-kun: The Toilet-Bound Ghost and dive into their adventures with the edition from Ivrea.

Details of Volume 20

Title: Hanako-kun: The Toilet-Bound Ghost Volume 20

Genre: Shonen

Authors: Aida Iro

Format: Softcover with dust jacket

Pages: 192 in black and white + 50 in colour from the booklet

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Hanako-kun The Toilet Ghost #20 Spanish Manga Special Edition

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