
Ivrea publishes Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: the case of Ritsu Onodera of Shungiku Nakamura

The most anticipated YAOI / BL manga arrives. The other great success of the author of Junjo Romantica. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi presents several separate stories but somehow intertwined, moving at the same time. The first one is about Ritsu Onodera, who - much to his regret - ends up in the shojo manga department of an editorial. Something very contrary to his plans to work in novels. And, as if that were not enough, start with the left foot with the editor-in-chief Masamune Takano. Everything gets even more complicated when he learns that his boss is really his great love of adolescence, Masamune Saga, who confesses that he could never forget him and blames Ritsu for never having been able to establish a relationship due to that experience. Ritsu tells him that it is not like that, that he is confused, but Masamune has only one idea in mind: that Ritsu tells him I love you.

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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: el caso de Ritsu Onodera #01 (spanish) Manga Oficial Ivrea

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