
Synopsis of Volume 8 of GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka

The most iconic and audacious teacher in the manga world is back with volume 8 of GTO – Great Teacher Onizuka. Eikichi Onizuka, once a gangster and now on an educational quest, aims to win both hearts and minds. After an incident with a young woman, Onizuka believes becoming a teacher might be his gateway to romance. However, his new role at a prestigious private school challenges him in ways he never expected. With unconventional methods and an unyielding passion, Onizuka is determined to reshape the educational system in his own unique way.

Manga of GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka Volume 8 in its official Spanish edition of this thrilling manga published by the Ivrea publishing house.

Details of Volume 8

Title: GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Tôru Fujisawa

Format: Softcover paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 8

Pages: 400 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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GTO Great Teacher Onizuka #08 Spanish Manga

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