
Synopsis of Volume 2 of Magical Girls S.A. Magilumiere

In a world besieged by creatures known as Kaii, Kana Sakuragi, a recent graduate with an exceptional memory, faces the harsh reality of the job market. After failing 15 job interviews, her life takes an unexpected turn when, during another interview, she encounters a Kaii. Amidst the chaos, Hitomi, a magical girl from Magilumiere S.A., recognizes Kana's potential and offers her to join their team. Thus begins Kana's adventure in the unusual world of magical girls, where she will discover that teamwork and bravery can face any challenge, even in the most eccentric of companies.

Explore more about Magical Girls S.A. Magilumiere and dive into its fascinating plot with the official edition published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 2

Title: Magical Girls S.A. Magilumiere

Genre: Shonen

Authors: Sekka Iwata, Yu Aoki

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 2

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Magical Girls S.A. Magilumiere #2 Spanish Manga

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