
Synopsis of Volume 3 of A Demon in Paradise

Aoki, a demotivated high school teacher who does the bare minimum, is forced to change his routine when the principal reprimands him and assigns him to check on a student who has been absent for days. His path leads him to the infirmary, where he meets Tengoku, the school nurse, an enigmatic man whose intentions are hard to decipher and who mocks him for trying to seem like a dedicated teacher. From that encounter, Aoki is convinced he cannot stand Tengoku and wants to keep his distance, but Tengoku reveals he has been observing him for a while and, to Aoki's surprise, kisses him, declaring him a “pure” person.

Find out more about this intriguing relationship in the A Demon in Paradise manga, with the official edition published by Milky Way Editions.

Details of Volume 3

Title: A Demon in Paradise

Genre: Josei

Authors: Naomi Aga, Kyôko Oyoshikawa

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 258 in black and white

Publisher: Milky Way Editions

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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A Demon in Paradise #3 Spanish Manga

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