
Synopsis of Volume 5 of Sun and Moon Steel

In this installment, we meet again with Kônosuke Ryûdo, a unique samurai who lacks the skill to handle a katana and who has found love in Tsuki, his devoted wife. However, the harmony of their days abruptly crumbles when an individual with enigmatic abilities bursts into their lives, kidnapping Tsuki. Afflicted and desperate, Kônosuke finds a ray of hope in Aki, a blind priestess who becomes his ally in the mission to rescue his beloved. Together they face grand challenges, including a confrontation with Madara, an adversary who dominates the power over insects. In a world of despair, hope and courage lead their way, although the cost they must pay is unimaginably high.

Explore the Sun and Moon Steel Manga in its official Spanish edition of this enveloping story published by Milky Way Ediciones.

Details of Volume 5

Title: Sun and Moon Steel

Genre: Seinen - Action - Historical - Romance

Illustration: Daruma Matsura

Script: Daruma Matsura

Format: Softcover paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 5

Pages: 192 in black and white

Publisher: Milky Way Ediciones

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Steel of Sun and Moon #5 Spanish Manga

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