
Synopsis of Volume 6 of Hirayasumi Volume

Hiroto and Natsumi's life in the single-family house is turned upside down!!! Hiroto is recovering after his fainting spell due to overwork. Hideki, on the other hand, has become unemployed... Do they intend to straighten out together the years of their youth that left some thorns in their sides?! On the other hand... Is there a breakthrough in Yomogi's love affairs?! Something even stranger will happen to Natsumi?! It's the bright start of summer living in a family home where some discord is tinged with peace.

Discover more about Hirayasumi manga and experience the nuances of everyday life with the official edition published by Milky Way Ediciones.

Volume of Volume 6

Title: Hirayasumi

Genre: Seinen

Author/s: Keigo Shinzo

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 160 in black and white

Volume: 6

Publisher: Milky Way Ediciones

Dimensions: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Manga Hirayasumi #6 Spanish Manga

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