
Synopsis of Volume 1 of Badducks

At ten years old, Morgan Gray witnessed his parents' suicide, leaving him with a huge debt. Now, at thirty, just as he plans to propose to his girlfriend, the mafia finds him demanding to settle his parents' debt. With no way out, Morgan is forced to sell his organs and become a cyborg. Plunged into misery and working for criminals, his path crosses with Lisa, a prostitute in a similar situation. Together, they decide to flee, taking a suitcase full of money and, unknowingly, a baby that the mafia will do anything to recover.

Discover more about Badducks manga and dive into this intense science fiction drama with the official edition published by Milky Way Ediciones.

Details of Volume 1

Title: Badducks

Genre: Seinen

Authors: Touryuumon Takeda

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Pages: 242 in black and white + some in color

Publisher: Milky Way Ediciones

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Badducks #1 Spanish Manga

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