
Synopsis of Volume 14 of Boys Abyss

Reiji Kurose lives his life "passively," constrained by his family, his teacher, his childhood friends, an idol, a writer, and the community he lives in. However, upon learning about what happened between Nozoe and his mother, Shibasawa uncovers the dark secret of the Kurose family. Between Tokyo and his town, a disturbing question arises: Is it worth continuing to live? Is there a hopeful light in the future? This twelfth volume continues to narrate the story of a boy and a girl who meet at the end of the world, reflecting a disturbing reality of our times.

Explore Boys Abyss Manga in the official Spanish edition of this absorbing manga published by Milky Way Ediciones.

Details of Volume 14

Title: Boys Abyss

Genre: Seinen - Drama - Psychological

Author/s: Ryou Minemani

Format: Softcover with dust jacket

Volume: 14

Pages: 216 in black and white

Publisher: Milky Way Ediciones

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Boy's Abyss #14 Spanish Manga

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