
Synopsis of Volume 4 of Ocean Endroll

Sora, the influencer with dreams of becoming a film director, has arrived like a sudden storm, revolutionizing the lives of Umiko and Kai. His presence is like a tempest stirring the sea, but his determination to become a director is unwavering. After the storm comes the calm, and it's time for each of them to pursue their own projects...

Find out more about Ocean Endroll manga in this youthful story filled with dreams and maturity, in its thrilling third volume published by Milky Way Ediciones.

Details of Volume 4

Title: Ocean Endroll

Genre: Shojo

Author/s: John Tarachine

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 4

Pages: 160 in black and white

Publisher: Milky Way Ediciones

Dimensions: 13 x 18 cm

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Ocean Endroll #4 Spanish Manga

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