
Synopsis of Volume 7 of I Can Hear the Sun

Kôhei Sugihara, a college student with hearing loss, and Taiichi Sagawa, a cheerful and hardworking young man, are former university classmates who begin to explore a romantic relationship. As Kôhei searches for a job, Taiichi works as a mentor and faces work and personal challenges, including an unexpected call from his father after a long time without contact. The story follows them as they navigate their differences and strengthen their connection.

Explore more about the manga of I Can Hear the Sun and dive into its emotional plot with the official edition published by Kitsune Books.

Details of Volume 7

Title: I Can Hear the Sun

Genre: Shonen

Author/s: Yuki Akaneda

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 7

Pages: 226 in black, white, and color

Publisher: Kitsune Books

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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I can hear the Sun #7 Spanish Manga

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