
Synopsis of Volume 11 of Boy's Abyss

In this eleventh volume, the story follows Reiji Kurose, who feels bound by his family, his teacher, his childhood friends, an idol, a writer, and the town he lives in. Wanting to escape this passive life, he decides to head to Tokyo with two childhood friends. In the city, he reunites with the writer, who is near death, and begins to discuss the "past". Amid questions about the hope of continuing to live and the possibility of a bright future, the story of a boy and a girl finding each other in a world on the brink of collapse continues to unfold in this eleventh volume.

Details of Volume 11 of Boy's Abyss

Title: Boy's Abyss - Shonen no Abyss - 少年のアビス

Genre: Seinen - Drama - Suspense

Art: Ryou Minemani

Script: Ryou Minemani

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 11

Pages: 200

Publisher: Milky Way Editions

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish


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Boy's Abyss #11 Spanish Manga

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