
Synopsis of Volume 6 of Hitorijime My Hero

Hitorijime My Hero is centered around Masahiro, a delinquent with a tough life who's involved in gang troubles. No one helps or saves him, and he doesn't believe in heroes until Kosuke appears, a teacher with a very bad temper who takes care of anyone making life difficult for him. After that, Masahiro becomes his protege and, in the process, meets his brother, who is none other than Kensuke, the protagonist of Hitorijime Boyfriend, and becomes his best friend. A year later, Kosuke is his new math teacher, though their relationship hasn't changed much since they first met. But the arrival of Hasekura and his closeness to Kensuke will make him reconsider what he feels for his mentor.

Hitorijime My Hero Manga Volume 6 in its official Spanish edition of this manga published by Ivrea.

Details of Volume 6

Title: Hitorijime My Hero

Genre: Shojo

Art: Arii Memeko

Script: Arii Memeko

Format: Softcover with dust jacket

Volume: 6

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Hitorijime My Hero #06 Spanish Manga

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