
Synopsis of Volume 7 of Hitorijime My Hero

"Hitorijime My Hero" features Masahiro, a young delinquent entangled in gang conflicts, who has lost faith in heroes until Kosuke, a tough yet noble-hearted teacher, steps into his life. Kosuke becomes his savior and guardian, complicating Masahiro's emotions when Kosuke turns into his math teacher. This relationship stirs a mix of admiration, respect, and deeper feelings in Masahiro. The arrival of Hasekura and his involvement with Kensuke, Kosuke's brother, triggers a cascade of emotions and reflections in Masahiro about what he truly feels for his mentor.

Discover more about Hitorijime My Hero manga and immerse yourself in this tale of self-discovery and complex emotions with Ivrea's official edition.

Details of Volume 7

Title: Hitorijime My Hero

Genre: Shojo

Author/s: Arii Memeko

Format: Paperback with dust jacket

Volume: 7

Pages: 200 in black and white

Publisher: Ivrea

Size: 13 x 18 cm

Language: Spanish

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Hitorijime My Hero #7 Spanish Manga

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